GPStracks Benefits from Paragon Innovations’ Approach of Collaboration, Innovation and Efficiency to Develop Cellular and GPS Tracking Dog Collar

GPSTracks wanted a partner with a broad range of skills to design and develop their GlobalPetFinder: a small, durable, technically sophisticated wireless product that would quickly hit a wide-open market and still be a snap to use.


GPSTracks wanted a superior product, delivered now. They needed the right partner to develop their idea for the GlobalPetFinder, a product that combined satellite and digital cellular technology to track pets, even in wooded areas. It was also essential to provide a monthly service fee revenue model. The selection of technology was critical enough that hiring a team to design, develop, and deliver such a sophisticated product would have cost a fortune and taken years. Paragon delivered within months and at a fraction of the cost.

Paragon’s architecture supported a small, lightweight, rugged design that was safe, easy to use, and affordable. And its manufacturability and reliability delighted GPSTracks as well as its discriminating customers.


  • Project met an aggressive schedule, getting to market within months
  • Compact design, with a product weight of just over 4 ounces
  • Rugged, real-world durability including water resistance
  • Technical support at Consumer Electronics Show and nationwide television exposure
  • All Intellectual Property rights
  • Complete hardware and software documentation
  • Easy to update for next generation, increasing ROI